Monday, January 3, 2011


Time. It's a huge issue and a huge blessing. Have you ever thought about what you would change if you could change just one thing. You could go back and stop yourself from meeting some one who hurt you or you could go back and meet a person you always wanted to but thought it wasn't important. Time makes and breaks relationships. Some one could've stopped those people from getting on that plane on 9/11. You could go back and tell some one you loved them and how you really felt before they were gone. Maybe even warned some one about what was about to happen. I would do a lot of things. I would stop myself from meeting any guy that would break my heart. I would stop a family friend from dying in Child birth by telling the doctors she would die. I would go back to that night at the basketball game and stop my best friend from shattering her cheek that night. Most of all though i know i wouldn't change a thing. My life is the way it is and i love it. If i hadn't met those guys i wouldn't know how great it is when i find the right one. If i had told the doctors that family friend would die then i wouldn't cherish life the same way.If i had gone back and stopped my best friend from getting hurt we wouldn't know how close we really are. What would you change...or would you?


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